Mr. Pitogo moonlights as a consultant for human resource matters at CreativeDevLabs Innovative IT Solutions where he also does client-tailored content writing.
He now works full-time as the Secretary to the Sanggunian of LGU-Bato, Leyte after he had previously joined the Department of Education as secondary school teacher for six solid years—two with Buli National High School and four with Bato School of Fisheries—where he taught English and other subjects across levels of learners. He’s also a part-time college instructor at Bato Institute of Science and Technology.
An educator by profession and a journalism advocate by passion, he loves to gravitate around poems, songs, news, and editorials—poring over them gives him euphoria even the strongest form of drug can never.
A DOH-trained facilitator for the reformation of PWUDs and a DOH-certified substance dependency screener, this 34-year-old young professional comanages the programs, projects, and activities of Bato’s Anti-Drug Abuse Council along with other concurrent roles assigned to him at the LGU.
He sits as the secretary of the PLEASES-CLASS (the Leyte provincial association of secretaries to the sanggunian) and Board of Director for Leyte of the PLEASES-EVASS (region 8’s association of secretaries to the sanggunian).
He is also an advocate for the 17 Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.